Year: 2017

a headband for jogging

I started jogging in the mornings before work. I am determined to get some muscles back after too many years of sitting at my desk for most of the day and realizing how out of shape I was during our last family vacation. I love it! I love the crisp cold air on my face and how quiet it is around the neighborhood at 6 a.m. in the morning. Watching the colors of the sky slowly come alive through the clouds is a treat, and watching as the rest of the neighborhood gets ready for their day is energizing. I feel great knowing that by 7 a.m., even before most people are out of bed, I am already crossing off “exercise” from my daily to-do list. Running when the temperature is 37 degrees outside is really not as bad as I expected. The only place that ever gets cold are my ears. Every day I am out, I keep thinking how nice it would be to have a headband to keep my ears warm – …