Month: February 2020

flowers in a vase

my sweet valentine

My sweet valentine came a little early this year — a whole week early, to be exact. The florist screwed up the delivery date and showed up at my office last Friday. I was very confused—as were my co-workers, all women. They knew it wasn’t my birthday, and they definitely knew it wasn’t Valentine’s Day – yet! It was all so odd. Before opening the package that came with the flowers or even reading the note, I emailed Patrick. Did you send me flowers??? He explained what had happened and after work we laughed about the whole thing. All week I’ve been indulging in the chocolate bon-bons that came with the flowers… Addicting! I just wanted to capture this moment because I am impressed that the flowers are still holding up! Just like us, babe! (Thanks, Patrick Grubb and Happy early Valentine’s to you, too!)


Kombucha is a funny word. I swore I would never try the stuff. But as the saying goes, never say never!

It all started at Comforts, a nearby café/restaurant/deli (not sure what to call it), about two weekends ago. I was grabbing a couple of their famous Chinese chicken salads for lunch, when the person behind me in line made some silly comment about whether he was next. I forget exactly what he said. It was a joke about cutting in line… Somehow, I rarely leave a place without exchanging some words with at least one person in a store. (It just happens!) People seem to always want to chat, and I tend to chat back. It drives my husband crazy. He’s not much of a chatter.

longer days, camellias and a new book

It’s starting to look like spring around here and believe me, it is a much-welcomed change! Winter is great for staying indoors, knitting lots and all things cozy, but I have a hard time dealing with fewer hours of light in my days. My biggest complaint is that it’s too dark to go on a walk with my dog before going to work. And later after work, it’s also too dark. Yes, I know, I could use a flashlight or borrow Patrick’s headlamp, which he uses to go fishing in the wee hours of the morning on weekends – but it’s tough to go out there when it’s dark. So, every winter, I tend to not exercise enough and inevitably end up gaining a few pounds. It doesn’t help that I love food and that my appetite seems to quadruple during this time of the year, either! (Kudos to my friends that are on diets now. Whole 30? No way! I could never do that.) There’s a lady that must be about my age that …