Month: April 2020

ingredients to make iced tea

iced tea on the deck and shortie’s birthday

It’s been much warmer in Fairfax, the last two days. It’s nice to be able to sit on the deck in the afternoon and work outside. I decided to make some of my favorite iced tea to have something refreshing by my side, and I’m indulging in a few cookies. Yesterday was Sarah’s birthday. She turned 16, which is hard to believe. To me, she’s still my little baby girl, even if now she’s driving me back and forth from the store all the time. Her friends stopped by to wish her a happy birthday with handmade posters and small gifts. It got me all teary-eyed. This COVID-19-life is so strange… I am so glad they came. It was supposed to be a big birthday! A little after her friends drove away, we had a second group of cars parked in front of the house for a while. This time grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. I was so touched by all of this. I think Sarah had a good birthday, even if it wasn’t what …