Month: September 2021

hoodie update – watching out for modification details!

Yes, I know! Can you believe I’m still working on this project? I started a hoodie for Sarah back in January, I think. It’s mostly stockinette with a rib detail on the sleeves. I was so close to finishing about two weeks ago. The fronts, the back, and the sleeves were finally ready. But when I placed the sleeves side-by-side, I noticed that they did not match. But how could this be? I didn’t have any extra stitches. The detail was exactly 9 stitches wide. So what had I done wrong? It took me a bit to figure out the source of the error, but it had to do with the way the cuff had been made. The cuff consists of a 1×1 rib over 47 stitches. I normally use the knitted cast on for my projects. It’s one of the simplest methods of casting on stitches, and I like that I can start working on a pattern’s Right Side right away. (On most patterns, Row 1 after your cast on is also considered the …