week 4: mindfulness, color inspiration, and weekly recap
About two years ago, I purchased a special issue of flow magazine dedicated to 19 days of mindfulness. The topics and exercises in the publication were things I was thinking about then, and I am still thinking about now: meditation, writing, slowing down, finding time to explore creativity. Many of the reasons I started writing this blog. Unfortunately, the magazine has stopped producing its English version and I am glad I held on to this issue. This past week, I have been trying to incorporate some of the exercises into my daily routine, but rather than trying a different exercise each day, I’ve decided to focus on one for a longer period of time. I’ve started with Morning Pages. In this exercise, you write about what’s on your mind right after you wake up, and before doing anything else. The idea is to write without editing your thoughts. It helps you clear your mind and get clear on goals. I’m really liking it, although I must admit, I have been typing mine. You are supposed …