Month: August 2023

easy no-churn strawberry ice cream with crushed amaretti cookies

Have you ever made no-churn ice cream? I had always been skeptical about whether you could get good results, but after watching a few of my favorite chefs make theirs without a machine, I decided this was something I had to try. And guess what? I’ve confirmed that you don’t need special equipment to make delicious ice cream at home. No, really, not even a beater. I made this with a little handheld whisk, and so can you! Have a large crowd to feed? Make sure to save this recipe! After watching this Jaime Oliver video, I immediately knew this was the recipe I wanted to try. It has strawberry sauce, crushed meringue cookies, and dulce de leche – who could resist? And the tray he used to serve it… Well, that was love at first sight for me, so I had to get one just like it. Once it arrived, I was ready to make the recipe. It even had a lid! I love my new tray. To ensure the berries were super fresh …

a new sweater, ready to wear

I believe there are two types of knitters, the ultra-careful ones that faithfully follow a pattern and will not give up until they “get it right,” and those that cannot help adding their own “touch” to every piece. These are the knitters that no matter how hard they try to follow a pattern, end up skipping steps, adding and removing stitches at random when they notice they’re off track, and see any mistake as a decorative element. They’ll also do anything to avoid ripping back! I identify mostly with the first group. Typically, I choose a pattern because I love what it looks like in the photo of the magazine, website, or book it is in, and I’ll often go to great lengths to get the exact yarn that is recommended. A good example is the April Blouse I’ve been working on, where I scoured the Internet to find the same yarn and color I had seen on the @sandnesgarn brochure. I’m also the type of knitter that needs to fix their mistakes. I would …