Month: November 2024

i finished my third stephen west mystery knit along and I love my new shawl

After thinking I wasn’t going to participate in any more mystery knit-alongs, fomo took over me, and I quickly changed my mind at the very last minute and decided to join Stephen West’s mkal for the third year in a row. And I am so glad I did! This was one of the mkals I have enjoyed the most! It had fun shapes, modular knitting, a sprinkle of brioche, and lots of options to personalize your final design. I got to wear my shawl last weekend and was super proud of how pretty it turned out. I think I’m also accidentally becoming the “Stephen West MKALs + Holst Garn Super Soft” ambassador. I’ve used the same yarn for all three of my mystery shawls. (You can see my last two here and here.) I might have to continue with the tradition! This yarn is not as drape-y as others, but it is very warm–and light! I think that’s what I love the most about it; it weighs next to nothing. And another plus is that …