Month: December 2024

freshly baked scones on cooling rack

currant scones on a foggy morning

Yesterday I felt like baking scones for breakfast. Well, to be honest, it was really brunch, it was so late. But isn’t this the time of year when sleeping in is 100% acceptable? It was also Sunday and the fog was super heavy, which was adding to the cozy vibes. I decided to bring out the dessert plates I bought several years ago, when I was dreaming of having people over for Christmas dinner. So, considering they’ve just been gathering dust in the cabinet that’s in our living room, why not use them to brighten up our every day this winter instead? I think we can use them for breakfast and dessert! Aren’t they cute? I am glad I got them. These put a smile on my face. 🙂 For those of you who asked for the recipe, I’ve added it here. 🙂 I found this recipe years ago in Sunset magazine. Since then, I’ve made some slight modifications to how I make them. In the original recipe the scones were glazed, but I think …