All posts filed under: food

freshly baked scones on cooling rack

currant scones on a foggy morning

Yesterday I felt like baking scones for breakfast. Well, to be honest, it was really brunch, it was so late. But isn’t this the time of year when sleeping in is 100% acceptable? It was also Sunday and the fog was super heavy, which was adding to the cozy vibes. I decided to bring out the dessert plates I bought several years ago, when I was dreaming of having people over for Christmas dinner. So, considering they’ve just been gathering dust in the cabinet that’s in our living room, why not use them to brighten up our every day this winter instead? I think we can use them for breakfast and dessert! Aren’t they cute? I am glad I got them. These put a smile on my face. 🙂 For those of you who asked for the recipe, I’ve added it here. 🙂 I found this recipe years ago in Sunset magazine. Since then, I’ve made some slight modifications to how I make them. In the original recipe the scones were glazed, but I think …

strawberry + crushed amaretti cookie ice cream

Have you ever made no-churn ice cream? I was skeptical about this method, but after watching a few of my favorite chefs make ice cream without a machine, I decided this was something I had to try. And guess what? I’ve confirmed that you don’t need special equipment to make delicious ice cream at home. No, really, not even a beater; just a little handheld whisk – and so can you! Have a large crowd to feed? Make sure to save this recipe! After watching this Jaime Oliver video, I immediately knew this was the recipe I wanted to try. It has strawberry sauce, crushed meringue cookies, and dulce de leche – who could resist? And the tray Jaime used to make it… Well, that was love at first sight for me, I had to get one just like it. Once the tray arrived in the mail, I was ready to make the recipe. It even had a lid! I love my new tray. To ensure the berries were super fresh and ultra sweet, I …

a tree in bloom

delicious lemon cake perfect for spring

At times I feel like I’m solar powered. That’s why I love it so much when spring finally arrives in Marin. The sunshine makes me feel happy and energized. Last Saturday, it looked like we were finally going to enjoy a little sunlight and warmth after what has been the rainiest winter I can remember — and just in time for Easter! On my Saturday “to-do” list was making dessert for the family potluck on Sunday. Sarah suggested making lemon bars from Tartine’s cookbook — one of her favorite desserts. Sarah has always made the lemon bars, but I thought it was about time I tried making them myself. Making the lemon bars turned out to be pretty easy; the last step was to place the tray in the fridge to allow the bars to set and cool overnight. I was proud of myself for getting everything everything ready a day early. Time to relax! The next morning, the lemon bars were ready, but Sarah was sick, so we thought it would be best for …

potato-leek soup: perfect for a rainy day, plus some project ideas for the new year

Happy new year! Like a miracle, the sun came out on January 1 and we welcomed 2023 with sunshine and delicious, homemade pizza made by Patrick.  By Monday, though, we were back in winter mode, with rain and heavy fog, the kind of weather that makes you want to stay in your sweatpants all day reading books under the covers.  The office was super quiet (I think some people thought Monday was a holiday, as it was for many), so I came home a bit early to make myself something warm to eat. I was craving potato leek soup, and was too hungry to look up a recipe, so I just made it up as I went. My goal was to make a hearty soup, with chunks of potato and bits of leeks you could actually see, not like my last attempt when I used the immersion blender before I served it and accidentally ended up with a gooey mess. This time I loved the result.  This is the simplest potato soup you will ever …