All posts filed under: making

i finished my third stephen west mystery knit along and I love my new shawl

After thinking I wasn’t going to participate in any more mystery knit-alongs, fomo took over me, and I quickly changed my mind at the very last minute and decided to join Stephen West’s mkal for the third year in a row. And I am so glad I did! This was one of the mkals I have enjoyed the most! It had fun shapes, modular knitting, a sprinkle of brioche, and lots of options to personalize your final design. I got to wear my shawl last weekend and was super proud of how pretty it turned out. I think I’m also accidentally becoming the “Stephen West MKALs + Holst Garn Super Soft” ambassador. I’ve used the same yarn for all three of my mystery shawls. (You can see my last two here and here.) I might have to continue with the tradition! This yarn is not as drape-y as others, but it is very warm–and light! I think that’s what I love the most about it; it weighs next to nothing. And another plus is that …

knitting detour: how my plan to make a tote bag turned into a stripy summer top

How does this happen? I’ve managed to start – and finish!– another project that’s not what I intended to work on. For the record, I have three other projects on my needles at the moment. One of them I started last summer… I guess I should make a better effort to stay out of yarn stores! A few weekends ago, I was browsing the isles of Joanne’s Fabrics store and managed to leave with six balls of 100% cotton yarn in tow with the goal of making myself a new tote. I wanted to replace some of the bags I typically carry around, which are looking a bit tired after much use. I also found yarn in a green color I loved. Is it just me? I can never have enough tote bags. I always need to supplement my purse with bags to carry books, knitting projects, samples, treats, or to use if I stop at the supermarket on my way home. The bag I was going to make, a free pattern called the “getting …

february makes: from sweaters to crème brûlée (mishaps included!)

Here’s a quick update on what I’ve been up to lately! As some of you saw on my Instagram feed, I finished making the sweater I started last February. I was modifying the Malaury pattern, replacing the texture created by knit and purl stitches with mock cables for my version. The result was a happy surprise. (I’m feeling pretty confident trusting my math when adapting patterns now–it fits!) I also learned a new technique for attaching a collar that I might start using more often. The pattern called for a back-stitched collar, which was new to me. I normally pick up stitches around the neckline, but the pattern said to knit the collar separately, leaving one of the edges on scrap yarn. I was having a difficult time wrapping my head around the process, and even after finding this helpful tutorial, the whole thing looked way too complicated. Then, I remembered watching a video showing a similar technique that looked much simpler. The difference: no stitches that could potentially unravel! You simply take the finished …

new project on my needles: the april blouse from sandnes garn

Do you love this pattern as much as I do? I stumbled upon the APRIL BLOUSE from Sandnes Garn the other day while scrolling Instagram and I immediately knew I wanted one. I loved the light brown color, the loose fit, and all that texture! I think this blouse will be a nice addition to my closet for when the weather gets hot. And seeing that it most likely won’t be hot in Marin until at least August or September, (I’m still wearing sweaters!) I should have plenty of time to knit mine before the summer ends. Of course, this project will require my full attention, as this doesn’t look like an easy knit – just look at those details! But, I’m up for it. Sandnes Garn is a Norwegian brand that I haven’t been able to find locally. So, I was thrilled to find out that I could purchase this yarn and the patterns online in the U.S. through This pattern is part of the SOMMER DAME Collection / 2305. You can get …