All posts tagged: baking

freshly baked scones on cooling rack

currant scones on a foggy morning

Yesterday I felt like baking scones for breakfast. Well, to be honest, it was really brunch, it was so late. But isn’t this the time of year when sleeping in is 100% acceptable? It was also Sunday and the fog was super heavy, which was adding to the cozy vibes. I decided to bring out the dessert plates I bought several years ago, when I was dreaming of having people over for Christmas dinner. So, considering they’ve just been gathering dust in the cabinet that’s in our living room, why not use them to brighten up our every day this winter instead? I think we can use them for breakfast and dessert! Aren’t they cute? I am glad I got them. These put a smile on my face. 🙂 For those of you who asked for the recipe, I’ve added it here. 🙂 I found this recipe years ago in Sunset magazine. Since then, I’ve made some slight modifications to how I make them. In the original recipe the scones were glazed, but I think …

a tree in bloom

delicious lemon cake perfect for spring

At times I feel like I’m solar powered. That’s why I love it so much when spring finally arrives in Marin. The sunshine makes me feel happy and energized. Last Saturday, it looked like we were finally going to enjoy a little sunlight and warmth after what has been the rainiest winter I can remember — and just in time for Easter! On my Saturday “to-do” list was making dessert for the family potluck on Sunday. Sarah suggested making lemon bars from Tartine’s cookbook — one of her favorite desserts. Sarah has always made the lemon bars, but I thought it was about time I tried making them myself. Making the lemon bars turned out to be pretty easy; the last step was to place the tray in the fridge to allow the bars to set and cool overnight. I was proud of myself for getting everything everything ready a day early. Time to relax! The next morning, the lemon bars were ready, but Sarah was sick, so we thought it would be best for …

week 5: a new stash-busting project and a little help from Stephen West

Hello! Is it just me, or did this week go by faster than last? I’ve been busy trying to complete all my wips and made some progress on the book I’m reading, but I am still working away with no finished objects to show you. On top of that, I stopped at Dharma with Shortie last weekend. I really had no business being in a yarn store considering all the projects I have to finish and the amount of yarn already in my house. Perhaps my daughter is right to say that I should limit the number of projects I start, but it’s so hard! Of course, as much as I tried, I didn’t leave empty-handed. I found this yellow yarn (Universal Yarn in Pale Banana) that looked so soft, that I wanted to try it. I was good! I only got two skeins. The color isn’t pure yellow. It has a hint of green in it, so it’s more like chartreuse, which I’ve always been drawn to. I was thinking of making a scarf and …

making ice cream cones is easy!

When it comes to ice cream, I’m not sure what I like the most, the ice cream or the cones. Every time I go to Fairfax Scoop, our favorite ice cream shop in town, I wonder how difficult it would be to make sugar cones at home like the ones they make at their store. Would I need to have special equipment? This thought crossed my mind again last Sunday as we drove through town on our way to the supermarket. Sarah was driving, so I was able to use my phone to google a bit and found a recipe that looked pretty easy. It was almost 90 degrees outside and ice cream sounded like a good idea. We got the ingredients at the store and got started right away after we got back to the house. Making sugar cones sounded a bit intimidating, but honestly, it was super simple! All you need is a bowl and a whisk and something to prevent the cookies from sticking to the baking sheet. I used a silicone mat but …