All posts tagged: cookies

chocolate cookie

(amazing) chocolate-toffee cookies

Can you believe this recipe has been in the “to try” section of my recipe binder for over 20 years? Besides the fact that I was able to hold on to a small piece of paper for this long, realizing how good these are after all these years is almost a sin. My sister-in-law sent me the recipe by email back when I had a Hotmail account, which was like a million years ago. I honestly don’t know why I didn’t make these right away, but I do know how easily I forget things if I don’t write them down, so I finally added “make chocolate cookies” to my to-do list. (Tip: Lists are a forgetful and distracted human’s best friend.) Unfortunately, I don’t always remember to carry my to-do list with me, and often must rely on my not so perfect memory. I managed to remember during my last trip to the supermarket, that this recipe called for bittersweet chocolate, so I bought two bars thinking it would be enough. Guess what? I had …