All posts tagged: Costa Rica

Learning to Make Fresco de Tamarindo

Today I made fresco de tamarindo for the first time ever. As someone who grew up drinking fruit juices (frescos, as we call them in Costa Rica), this is a bit embarrassing. In Costa Rica, you can find frescos in almost every color of the rainbow: limón, cas, guanábana (white); carambola, maracuyá, piña (yellow); melón, papaya, naranja (orange); fresa, sandía, frutas mixtas (pink); mora (red), and tamarindo (brown). * Almost any fruit can be transformed into a refreshing drink by adding a little water, sugar, and ice. Growing up, I liked frescos that were a little tart, and tamarindo was one of my favorites. Tamarindo is super refreshing and a perfect drink to enjoy in the summertime. It’s finally warm again in Marin, so I decided it was about time I learned how to make this. I was able to find tamarindo pods at the local supermarket in downtown Fairfax. In Costa Rica, tamarindo is sold in little compact blocks, just the fruit without the shells, and I believe you can find it packaged in …