strawberry + crushed amaretti cookie ice cream
Have you ever made no-churn ice cream? I was skeptical about this method, but after watching a few of my favorite chefs make ice cream without a machine, I decided this was something I had to try. And guess what? I’ve confirmed that you don’t need special equipment to make delicious ice cream at home. No, really, not even a beater; just a little handheld whisk – and so can you! Have a large crowd to feed? Make sure to save this recipe! After watching this Jaime Oliver video, I immediately knew this was the recipe I wanted to try. It has strawberry sauce, crushed meringue cookies, and dulce de leche – who could resist? And the tray Jaime used to make it… Well, that was love at first sight for me, I had to get one just like it. Once the tray arrived in the mail, I was ready to make the recipe. It even had a lid! I love my new tray. To ensure the berries were super fresh and ultra sweet, I …