All posts tagged: March Mayhem 2020

the best knitwear designs + mdk’s march mayhem

Like many others around the country and the world, most of us in Marin are currently in lockdown until further notice for at least two weeks due to COVID-19. Schools, museums, and universities are closing and a multitude of events have been canceled — including baseball for our son, which we are pretty bummed about. People are going crazy hoarding toilet paper(?), canned food, and bottled water. (Please drink water from the tap! You don’t need to make things worse by adding more plastic to this situation!) At home, we are trying to stay calm, keeping to ourselves, not touching our faces, and washing our hands often. All this I’ve realized today comes easy to me when I stay home because there’s constantly a pile of dishes in the sink that need washing, thus my hands are “Spic and Span” clean and I don’t have a chance to touch my face too much when I’m busy knitting! I think I may save myself! No… joking aside, I am glad that people are taking this seriously …